In the fall of 2017, Debbie and Russell Horner created their first BATTLE TOSS® game. The original prototype was huge and weighed nearly 100 lbs.! It used softball sized tennis balls that had to be special ordered. The prototype was taken to an annual fish-fry for family and friends and the game was a big hit with everyone. This gave the Horner’s the idea of making it better, smaller, and affordable. So, they started making it in their wood shop.
The game was further developed and enhanced and their patent for the USA (#10,493,343) was issued and published on December 3, 2019. An approved registered trademark followed. Up till now, the game was handmade in Russell’s wood shop in his hometown of Brook Park, OH. Russell and Debbie traveled in their spare time to local and regional fairs and markets to sell their product to the consumer. They steadily gained a loyal following. In 2023 Disruptive Products LLC acquired the global selling and marketing rights to BATTLE TOSS® improving on Russell and Debbie’s design. Our official nationwide launch of BATTLE TOSS® started on July 10, 2024.